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Home :: Programming :: Projects :: VCpp :: FileList

[ FileList ]

FileList is indeed a very simple program but can be very useful at the same time. What it does is to enumerate all the files in a directory that you've dragged from say the Window Explorer. All files in this directory and its sub directories are enumerated and shown in the listbox in the window. You can now export or copy this list and do what you want with it. Secondly you can search this list for a certain text. A good example for its usage is to enumerate your MP3s: open the Explorer and drag your MP3 folder on the 'FileList' dialog. You'll then have a complete list of all your MP3s then. VC++ 6 source code is included!

Downloads .:
FileList (with VC++ source) - 100 KB

 Last edited 2003-11-01 01:38:05 by André Stein - printable version
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» steinsoft.net revision 5.0