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Home :: Programming :: Projects :: VCpp :: MP3reFormater

[ MP3reFormater ]

MP3reFormater is a little application that automatically reformats filenames of MP3 or other files in the directories you specified. What it does is:
:+: Make the first letter of every word uppercase
:+: Correct spaces ( double spaces -> one space only )

Say you have a very large MP3 library with over 2000 files but you don't want to check every MP3 manually to see whether it's written correctly or not. Simply drag the folder(s) containing the files from the Explorer to the MP3reFormater window and press 'Reformat Now'. The files will be reformatted instantly! Source code is included!

Downloads .:
MP3reFormater (with VC++ source) - 96 KB

 Last edited 2003-11-01 01:38:17 by André Stein - printable version
» copyright by andré stein
» using stCM v1.0
» steinsoft.net revision 5.0