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Update powered by -lpthread @ 2003-04-02 20:39:00

"What?! -lpthread?" - you might be asking yourself. This time, the site update is Linux only related which doesn't necessarily mean that Windows users should stop reading here.. The Pthreads - POSIX threads - library is simply a library found on Unix systems that implements different threads handling functions.

I have made two updates related to this topic, the first one being a snippet:

This code snippet will introduce you in the magic of using pthreads and show you a little application starting two independently working threads. Beside this code snippet, I have written another little helper class SPosixThread that can be found in the code section. As my other helper classes, this one is also thought to be simple and powerful at once.

That's it. I still have some ideas what to add in the next days and weeks so I think that I can keep the "updates-rate" rather constant. Happy Coding in the meantime!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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