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soon.. @ 2005-07-07 20:10:08

It's been a very long time since my last real site update but it was just very difficult for me to find time to some site relevant new stuff.. I am trying to change this again - and hopefully will succeed in it ;-) - and I am going to start that update avalanche with a new layout I have created some weeks ago. I think it looks very cool but unfortunately crappy IE doesn't feel like having to follow any HTML standards. In other words, the layout doesn't work at all with IE.. Firefox and Konqueror (or Safari on Mac) don't have any problems to display the page as it should be.

But I am quite forced to get the layout working with IE as 90% of all internet users use that browser. I don't understand why but it seems that's just normal democracy.

I have also an example program on Mfc and MDI which is nearly done and has been in this state for a long time now but there are some little nasty bug that got on my nerves and so held me off from finishing it. But I'll have to do it to get it off my mind ;-).

Finally I have rearranged my ads.. I placed the google ads on top of all pages with the idea of optimizing my ad revenue. I think they are not too obtrusive and perhaps some visitors want to help the site and support me through them. It's just one little click, come on.. hehe. Happy c0ding!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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