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OpenGLDialog updated @ 2004-08-27 16:07:13

Finally after a long pause of updates, I have uploaded a new version of OpenGLDialog, my little demo application that shows how easy it is to place a little OpenGL control in a normal Mfc dialog. There have been many requests about a weird problem in this application that I have finally found a fix for. Before it was quite impossible to place normal controls on the same dialog as the OpenGL control because this little, unnice control always stole the focus. The solution to this damn bug was to override the windows message WM_ERASEBKGND. Secondly I have improved the application so that it's now possible to place more than only one GL control in a dialog. That's something some people might be interested in... Btw. I will also update the tutorial describing how to write this app from scratch.

I have also updated the helper class OpenGLDevice that can be found in the code section. I have added a function that makes it possible to switch between several OpenGL device contexts. This update is essential when using the class for more than one OpenGL-powered window in the same thread.

Okay that's it for today. I will do some more OpenGL & Mfc related updates in the coming days and weeks as there are some things visitors have asked for. First of all I will code a little & simple application that shows how to use multiple OpenGL controls in a dialog and most importantly I will finally write a simple solution on how to use OpenGL in an MDI environment. It seems to be one of the most requested things of OpenGL/Mfc interested people as there is no really easy solution to this problem. So it will be my job to change this ;-) Stay tuned and happy c0ding!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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