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watch_dvb @ 2004-05-18 22:41:20

After over two months of a "creative pause" - in other terms no updates - there is finally some movement on steinsoft.net. Unfortunately during the past months and weeks I didn't manage to do much programming related things and I was quite idling around doing pretty much nothing. Perhaps it's also because I was quite busy with other things and didn't find any free time to concentrate on new things or on things I always wanted to do and so upload *grin*. But to change this a little I've some minor updates coming in the next time, mainly things I was planning to add for a long period now.

First of all, I've added a new application to the site called watch_dvb which is a little'n nice Linux script that simplifies watching DVB channels. Fortunately a friend of mine, Thomas Arnhold has resumed development of it and added some more features. Before it was rather a little, useless script I had lying around on my harddisk but it seemed like more people might get interested in this master piece of modern computer technology *grin*.

Best thing of all, it's a prove for the open source model: if you have started a project and lost motivation to keep its developement going, simply upload it to the net and wait until some geek continues to code features for it - thank you Thomas! ;-). Anyway it's the way Linux got to its state it now is...

Okay after this blah blah, I am going to EOF of this news post. I am coming back soon with another update. Hopefully it's going to be a little more stunning than this one.. Happy c0ding anyway!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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