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OpenGLMultiDialog posted @ 2004-10-03 11:23:37

Today the time has come for a bigger site update of steinsoft.net. After some weeks I've finally spent some time to finish an OpenGL/Mfc application I've always wanted to add to the site: a little and easy program that shows how to use multiple OpenGL controls in the same dialog, called OpenGlMultiDialog - yes the name isn't really exciting, but it's kept to the point ;-). It implements 9 smileys, each in his own control, that follow the mouse cursor. The code is kept really simple and might be interesting for a lot of people.

Additionally I've added some new code to the code section: there's a new helper class set available called sglsl. This class set reduces using fragment and vertex shaders written in GLSLang to some lines of code. It also makes setting up the extension quite easy. I think everyone should take a look at GLSL as it is a first class high level shader programming language that is really easy to learn. Perhaps I am going to post a little code snippet about this subject soon...

Last but not least I've uploaded an updated version of srendertexture to the code section. There are some bugs solved and it's now possible to create depth textures.

That's it for this news post. I'll come back soon and post an example on Mfc and OpenGL in an MDI environment. This is an important subject in Mfc & OpenGL programming and it seems there aren't many - if not any - good tutorials or source examples about it. Happy c0ding!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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