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3,2,1.. Go! @ 2003-11-01 20:17:50

If your eyes aren't too red from working too much in front of your beloved computer, you should see that I have finally uploaded the new layout of steinsoft.net. In the last news post I said I would have it online by the weekend and here it is! The code is heavily taking advantage of CSS so I had to struggle some time with inferior browser made by a very _famous_ software company.. It seems that standards and the like don't exist for them. But I talked about this subject a hundred of times.

In my opinion this layout looks much better than the old one but that's only my little opinion and if you don't think so - better is if you also exactly know why - you might want to spam the message board. Unlike previous updates, this one is of cosmetical nature only. Thanks to the content management system I only had to replace the main template. The base code is still the same.. Btw. the cms is called stCM and it simply rules .. {grin}.

I made only minor changes on the base code. I fixed some bugs, improved overall speed et cetera. Theoretically the site should be loading about 50% faster than the old one but you might even don't notice it because thanks to my lightfast webspace, these differences can't be seen. Anyway simply imagine the site would be loading much faster. Imagination rulz!

So as I'm now satisfied with the new look for the next two weeks I'll be able to do some serious work on the site to get more content online. I have some ideas I'll have to think about and - most importantly - to realize.. So see you later and happy coding!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
» copyright by andré stein
» using stCM v1.0
» steinsoft.net revision 5.0