
This snippet shows you how to fade to a certain color in OpenGL.
Learn how to move your viewport or objects depending on how the mouse moved.
Does the user have a OpenGL accelerated graphics card? Want to know it? Then read this!
The second OpenGL-Mouse code snippet. This time it is about how to draw a little mouse
Circles are beautiful shapes, aren't they? Take a look here to see how they are drawn!
In the second Shapes snippet, you'll see that drawing an ellipse is not more difficult than drawing a circle!
Learn how to enable/disable VSync and to check whether it it is turned on or off.
To convert window coordinates to GL coords and vice versa is not too hard!
Ever wanted to know how to draw a scene to an OpenGL texture? You're right here!
The basics about using OpenGL extensions. Simple and quick.
The 'ARB_vertex_buffer_object' extension is something really interesting so don't miss it!
gluPerspective(..) is one of those important functions everyone needs so why don't have our version?
A nice and easy code snippet that shows you how to use the famous OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.

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