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Double snippet update @ 2003-04-20 16:23:51

As the news post title announces it, I have published two new code snippets. Unfortunately the last update has been nearly a week ago but I simply didn't manage to write code snippets or do anything else site-related - the weather was very good etc. etc. But here they are:

Although if only few people took part in the vote for a chat or not, the result seems to be very clear and so I finally decided to kick the chat from the site or more precisely not to start to add one ;-). After thinking a little bit about having a chat or not I simply came to the decision that it isn't really useful for a site like steinsoft.net especially because there's already a message board that's used so actively {sarcasm}.

I think I told you about the project I have been working on a little in the last days.. It's a little OpenGL application that shows cool reflections using the rendering-to-a-texture technique. As I didn't have so much time in the last, I haven't quite finished it but I'll try to get done in the next days. Otherwise I'll post some code snippets. Happy Coding then!

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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