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Back @ 2004-07-26 20:53:18

I've been in holidays the last two weeks so I didn't have any chance to answer any e-mails and so on. But I'm now back in.. civilization? Anyway I've finally access to internet and the possibility to do some updates. There have been some e-mails reporting one weird bug in the OpenGLDialog & Mfc application that needs to be fixed. In some way the OpenGL control in the dialog steels focus and this behavior makes some weird problems appear. This thing has got highest priority in my TODO list and I will take a look at it. (finally)

Besides this nasty bug, I will do some other coding things. My TODO list has become quite long and I would like to get finally some items removed. But removed by really realizing them and not by removing them because of other things {grin}. Happy c0ding anyway.

posted by André Stein.

 Last edited 2003-10-31 22:41:13 by André Stein - printable version
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