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Home :: Programming :: Projects :: Games :: GLChristmas 2001

[ GLChristmas 2001 ]

GLChristmas 2001 is a little Solitaire Christmas game. If you don't know Solitaire - if it is called like this in English - it is a game in which the game statues, here the Christmas trees, are arranged in cross-shape. The center of this cross is blank without a tree. The goal is to jump over the trees by dragging another one on a blank field. The tree you jumped over will disappear. The game ends if no tree can be moved anymore. Remember that the trees can only be moved within the field. The more trees you have left at the end, the worse you are. Source code is included!

Downloads .:
GLChristmas 2001 (with VC++ source) - 3.28 MB

 Last edited 2003-11-01 01:30:08 by André Stein - printable version
» copyright by andré stein
» using stCM v1.0
» steinsoft.net revision 5.0